seit 2018
Universität Leipzig
für Allgemeine Zoologie und Tierphysiologie, Universität Leipzig, wAL Biologie, Zentrum für Lehrerbildung und Schulforschung
2016 - 2019
Max Planck Institut für evolutionäre Anthroplogie & Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien
Post Doc
„Validation of an Enzyme-Immuno Assay to non-invasively assess oxytocin levels in urine samples of dogs, wolves and humans.“
2009 -2016
Max Planck Institut für evolutionäre Anthroplogie, Abteilung Primatologie, AG Verhaltensendokrinologie
„Social and ecological correlates of male capuchin endocrinology.“
2008 - 2009
Max Planck Institut für evolutionäre Anthroplogie, Abteilung Primatologie, AG Verhaltensendokrinologie
Mitarbeit an verschiedenen Projekten der Arbeitsgruppe
2002 - 2008
Universität Kassel & Universität Leipzig
Abschluss mit Diplomarbeit am Max Planck Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie
„Alpha-male rank acqisition by a group member in mountain gorillas, behavior and endocrinological correlates.
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Wirobski G., Range F., Schaebs F.S., Palme R., Deschner T., Marshall-Pescini S. „Life experience rather than domestication acounts for dogs´ increased oxytocin release during social contact with humans“. Scientific reports 11:14423.
Wirobski, G., Schaebs, F.S., Range F., Marshall-Pescini, S., Deschner, T. „Analytical and physiological validation of an enzyme immunoassay to measure urinary oxytocin metabolites in dog, wolf, and human urine samples”. Scientific reports 11:12793.
Schaebs, F.S., Wirobski G., Marshall-Pescini, S., Range, F., Deschner, T.„Validation of a commercial Enzyme Immunoassay to assess urinary oxytocin in humans”. Endocrine Connections 10:3, pp 290-301.
Wirobski G., Range F., Schaebs F.S., Palme R., Deschner T., Marshall-Pescini S. „Endocrine changes related to dog domestication: Comparing urinary cortisol and oxytocin in hand- raised, pack-living dogs and wolves.“ Hormones and Behavior 128:104901.
Deschner T., Hohmann G., Ortmann S., Schaebs F.S., Behringer V. „Urinary total T3 levels as a method to monitor metabolic changes in relation to variation in caloric intake in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus)”. General and Comparative Endocrinology 285:113290.
Schaebs, F.S., Marshall-Pescini, S., Range, F., Deschner, T.
„Consistency and efficacy of two methods of intranasal oxytocin application in dogs“. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 72:106436.
Marshall-Pescini, S., Schaebs, F.S., Meinert, A., Deschner, T., Range, F. „The role of oxytocin in dog-owner relationship“. Animals 9(10):792.
Schaebs, F.S., Marshall-Pescini, S., Range, F., Deschner, T.
„Analytical validation of an Enzyme Immunoassay for the measurement of urinary oxytocin in dogs and wolves”. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 281, pp 73-82.
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Wirobski G., Range F., Schaebs F.S., Palme R., Deschner T., Marshall-Pescini S. „Life experience rather than domestication acounts for dogs´ increased oxytocin release during social contact with humans“. Scientific reports 11:14423.
Wirobski, G., Schaebs, F.S., Range F., Marshall-Pescini, S., Deschner, T. „Analytical and physiological validation of an enzyme immunoassay to measure urinary oxytocin metabolites in dog, wolf, and human urine samples”. Scientific reports 11:12793.
Schaebs, F.S., Wirobski G., Marshall-Pescini, S., Range, F., Deschner, T.„Validation of a commercial Enzyme Immunoassay to assess urinary oxytocin in humans”. Endocrine Connections 10:3, pp 290-301.
Wirobski G., Range F., Schaebs F.S., Palme R., Deschner T., Marshall-Pescini S. „Endocrine changes related to dog domestication: Comparing urinary cortisol and oxytocin in hand- raised, pack-living dogs and wolves.“ Hormones and Behavior 128:104901.
Deschner T., Hohmann G., Ortmann S., Schaebs F.S., Behringer V. „Urinary total T3 levels as a method to monitor metabolic changes in relation to variation in caloric intake in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus)”. General and Comparative Endocrinology 285:113290.
Schaebs, F.S., Marshall-Pescini, S., Range, F., Deschner, T.
„Consistency and efficacy of two methods of intranasal oxytocin application in dogs“. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 72:106436.
Marshall-Pescini, S., Schaebs, F.S., Meinert, A., Deschner, T., Range, F. „The role of oxytocin in dog-owner relationship“. Animals 9(10):792.
Schaebs, F.S., Marshall-Pescini, S., Range, F., Deschner, T.
„Analytical validation of an Enzyme Immunoassay for the measurement of urinary oxytocin in dogs and wolves”. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 281, pp 73-82.
Behringer, V., Deimel, C., Hohmann, G., Negrey, J., Schaebs, F.S., Deschner, T. „ Applications for non-invasive thyroid hormone measurements in mammalian ecology, growth, and maintenance“. Hormones and Behavior, 66-85.
Wolf, T.E., Schaebs, F.S., Bennett, N.C., Burroughs, R., Ganswindt, A. “Age and socially related changes in fecal androgen metabolite concentrations in free-ranging male giraffes”. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 255, pp 19-25
Schaebs, F.S., Perry, S.E., Cohen, D., Mundry, R., Deschner, T. „Social and demographic correlates of male androgen levels in wild white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus)”. American Journal of Primatology, 79:7.
Schaebs, F.S., Wolf, T.E., Behringer, V., Deschner, T. „Fecal thyroid hormones allow for the non-invasive monitoring of energy intake in capuchin monkeys”. Journal of Endocrinology, 231:1, pp 1-10.
Millich, K.M., Deimel, C., Schaebs, F.S., Thornburg, J., Vitzthum, V.J., Deschner, T. “Links between breast cancer and birth weight: An empirical test of the hypothesized association between size at birth and premenopausal adult progesterone concentrations”. Hormones and Cancer, 1-7.
Weltring, A., Schaebs, F.S., Perry, S., Deschner, T. „Simultaneous measurement of endogenous steroid hormones and their metabolites with LC–MS/MS in faeces of a New World primate species, Cebus capucinus”. Physiol. Behav.105, 510-521.